For the last 25 years we have maintained a fleet of equipment that keeps us logistically more efficient. We do all our own heavy trucking. We have the capability to travel, source materials, dig and deliver large trees and plant material to our clients specifications. We load, haul and deliver trees and plants efficiently with our own equipment and skilled personnel. Our irrigation installation is all inter-company and our crew size capability is up to 25 skilled individuals.
We own a 10 -acre nursery facility in Olathe, Colorado. The nursery contains a variety of beautiful native deciduous and evergreen trees. Our B & B inventory is typically large caliper trees. We maintain and constantly update our business relationships with growers of quality nursery stock throughout the Central and Western United States.
Ed has 25 years experience working in the landscape design industry. HCTG has been providing residential and commercial property landscape and complete tree services in Western United states of Colorado cities of Denver, Thornton, Parker, Montrose, Durango, Telluride, Crested Butte, Aspen and Glenwood Springs. We offer complete and detailed irrigation design and building.
High Country Tree Galleries’ Owner & Key Personnel:
Ed Booher: Owner/Operator of High Country Tree Galleries Inc. Ed is a Nurseryman, Designer, Project Manager with the experience to make your project a success.
Ed’s experience and love for artistic and complete landscape design helps provide the expertise that HCTG needs to keep our niche in the industry. His great sense of native design helps our company to provide beautiful landscape settings, with an emphasis on providing a greener natural environment for your home or business.
Crew & Office Personnel:
Many of the people who are working at HCTG with Ed have been involved with his landscape companies in excess of 10 years each. We believe this combined knowledge helps us to provide our customers a more professional and efficient landscape experience.